
Peressini — Seating my way.

Client: Peressini


  • Company Website


  • Art Direction
  • Photography
  • Web Design
  • Image Production
  • Verbal Identity


Peressini is an internationally renowned Italian company specializing in the design and manufacture of chairs and stools for different contexts: from home to office, from contract to Ho.Re.Ca. The company stands out for its ability to create fully customizable chairs, with no limits on materials, shapes, colours or quantities, so that each product can be perfectly integrated into any environment or furnishing style.

As part of a wider rebranding project aimed at positioning the company in a higher market segment and transforming it from a simple supplier to a true brand, the creation of a new website was a key step. This tool was essential in communicating the value of the brand and ensuring its effective positioning in the global marketplace.

UX – User Experience

The main challenge of the project was to convey the company’s philosophy, expressed in the motto “seating my way”, i.e. the ability to offer endless combinations of customized seating to meet the aesthetic and functional needs of each customer.

The site had to present this wide range of choices in a clear and intuitive way, demonstrating Peressini’s flexibility in the production of made-to-measure seating. In addition, the site was designed for two different audiences: architects and retailers who would use it as a sales tool, and ordinary users looking for information.

We therefore designed a highly intuitive user experience that simplifies access to information while maintaining the depth necessary to explore all product combinations. Rationality was the guiding principle: navigating through the options had to feel natural and fluid, making it easy to browse a huge amount of data without compromising the user experience.

UI – User Interface

One of the main objectives of the new site was to convey to the public Peressini’s excellence in seating production, a clear message that should reflect the brand’s mastery of design and quality.

The layout of the site has therefore been designed to be essential and refined, leaving the right space for product photography, which is at the heart of the visual communication. We opted for a minimalist design with neutral colours to create a visual environment that would make the most of the product images.

Special attention was paid to the typography and graphic elements to ensure consistency and harmony between the different pages of the site. Every detail of the layout was designed to support the high-end design concept, ensuring that the aesthetics of the site reflected the quality of the products themselves.

Art Direction & Photography

To fully communicate Peressini’s values of quality, elegance and design, we were in charge of the art direction of the entire visual component. We created a series of conceptual and artistic images that, in an abstract way, evoke the essence of the design and attention to detail that distinguishes the company.

In addition to creating these evocative images, we were responsible for directing and post-producing all the product renders. This process allowed us to unify the visual look of the catalogue, ensuring consistency between images and improving the overall impact of the brand.

Each image was created with the aim of enhancing the perception of the products, associating them with concepts of sophistication and uncompromising quality.

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